Chapter 18 Review Of The 45 Second Presentation That Will Change Your Life

Chapter 18 of The 45 Second Presentation That Will Change Your Life by Don Failla was called “Let The Tools Do The Talking”.  Roughly 5% of the population are the “sales type”.  If you are looking for one of those “sales types”, then you are wasting your time because there are too few of them.  You are not selling products, you are selling something called “own your life” where you have enough time and money to do what you want to do.  You have to realize that 95% of people NEED this!  People who are not in network marketing DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT!


If you can show somebody how they can sponsor somebody in the first couple days of the business to make a profit, they will get excited and want to do it again.  If you want to make a PERSON-TO-PERSON approach, try to keep it to your warm market.  You want to start this process once you are LEAVING a restaurant or other meeting area with your friend or family member.  Ask, “Hey__________, you might be able to help me out.  DO you know anyone who likes to travel and go on vacation?”  The response to this is typically a “yes”.  Then say, “__________, it takes three things to do that.  It takes time, money, and good health.  If I could show YOU how you could have all three, would you be interested?”

If you are trying a TELEPHONE approach, start the process JUST BEFORE HANGING UP.  Ask them, “________, have you ever thought what it would be like if you could own your life?”  Once you do this, tell them what you mean by owning your life.  Then tell them, “We have discovered a way a person can do this and learn to own their lives by building home-based businesses and we have a system for doing it that is so simple, anyone can do it.  It doesn’t require any selling, and won’t take much of your time.”  “If someone is interested, I will give you some information.”

These approaches start off indirect, which takes the pressure off of the prospect.  Once they are starting to get more interested and more comfortable with the situation and opportunity, you can switch the direct more towards them to see if they are interested in learning more about your opportunity.  This is a highly effective way to get more quality leads and sponsor more people into your business.