Chapter 4 Review Of Guerrilla Multilevel Marketing: 100 Low-Cost Tactics For Growing Your Network And Advancing To The Top Of Your Pay Plan

Guerilla MLMAre you looking for concise chapter reviews for books about marketing strategies and marketing tactics?  Do you want to learn various techniques that will get you more leads and more money fast?

If that is you, then you have come to the right place!  Various blogs about marketing, lead generation, and free social media training webinars can be found here.

The next several chapter reviews will be about Guerrilla Multilevel Marketing: 100 Low-Cost Tactics For Growing Your Network And Advancing To The Top Of Your Pay Plan by Jay Levinson,  If you are wanting to read a book that has a plethora of tips, tactics, and strategies to use to get you immediate leads and more money, then this is the book for you.  This review will be on Chapter 4, which was called “Niche or Miss”

Not everyone should be targeted as a candidate for network marketing!  When you are looking to grow your business, look for ideal customers by identifying the appropriate niche and look for business-minded prospects that wish to join you in your business opportunity.

  • Tactic 4:  Identifying Ideal Customers by Niche.
    • Promote products to those who are already interested in products that are similar to yours.
    • Always be prepared to promote your products and opportunity.
    • Promote a product to speak to a person’s exact situation to cause them to pay more attention to you and your products.

When you are looking to expand your business, you must think about your experience and your interests.  Think about topics that you can personally connect with to target, speak about, and advertise.  Look for how your products and opportunity can solve specific problems for your customers and prospects. When creating an ad, flyer, or other form of advertisement, create a distinct marketing campaign for each niche audience and see which performs the best.

When you are looking to target specific groups of people to make them your customers, keep these statistics and facts in mind:

  1. Gender
    • Women make more than 83% of customer buying decisions and purchases.
    • 1 out of every 11 adult women are entrepreneurs (high quality prospects).
    • Women account for 70% of all new business start-ups.
    • Women use the internet more than men.
  2. Race
    • Minority teens are more interested in starting a business than whites.
    • According to studies in 2004, 1.4 million privately held firms are owned by women of color, which accounts for $147 billion in annual sales.
  3. Age
    • The fastest growing age group in direct-sales is 65 year olds.
    • Seniors pay-out  more than #1.7 trillion a year as customers.
  4. Geography
    • Western US has the highest self-employment rates.
    • About 55% of sale-proprietorships were concentrated in the 10 most populated states.
  5. Seasons and Special Occasions
    • Time your marketing with special occasions.
    • Plan big sales according to your product’s category.
    • Valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are three big holidays to plan specials for.
  • Tactic 5:  Seeking Business-Minded Distributors
    • Nearly 2/3 of Americans are aspiring entrepreneurs, so you should have no shortage when it comes to finding some!
    • Seek candidates:
      1. With a consistent positive outlook
      2. Who have connections to reach others
      3. Who show they believe in themselves
      4. Who have business experience
      5. Who are decisive and willing to take action
      6. Who will commit to your program for 6 months to a year.

If you are struggling with reaching your targeted audience, here are 12 ways to increase your reach:

  1. Identify publications they actively read.
  2. Find the associations they want to join or already belong to.
  3. Discover the websites that they frequently visit.
  4. Join discussion groups they participate in.
  5. Read Magazines and newsletters they subscribe to.
  6. Get involved with what they do.
  7. Visit stores they buy specific supplies from.
  8. Attend Trade shows that they go to.
  9. Study their industry.
  10. Watch some of the same tv shows that they watch.
  11. Learn who are the movers and the shakers.
  12. Build relationships with the industry leaders.

This will conclude the review of Chapter 4 of this book.  If you liked this blog, make sure to follow my blog and my Facebook fan page, which you can easily do by clicking the “like” button on the sidebar of my blog.  If you enjoyed the tips that you got from this blog and are looking for more effective and PROVEN ways to get more leads and more money through your business, then you need to look into this industry-leading system by clicking here.  It has changed my business, my mentality, and my life by getting me an extra 20-50 LASER-TARGETED LEADS a day that CAME TO ME!

Stay dedicated and be consistent with your efforts!  You will be rewarded according to the effort you put towards growing your business.  Looking forward to connecting with you on my blog and Facebook fan page or even doing business with you to see you advance through the ranks within your business.  Once again, if you are looking to build your business to 6-figures or more a year or even in a month, then you need to click on this link:


Free Webinars

download (1)Are you looking for free webinars that will allow you take your business to the next level?

You have come to the right place!

I was looking for the same type of program months ago and didn’t know where to go, what to do, or even if I could afford to do anything!  I looked into various different systems, programs, and coaches that offered to get you “immediate results and increased money”, but the fact of the matter is that nothing is going to take you from a new marketer to a 6-figure leader in a month.  If that is what you expect and have to have to stay in this type of business, then you might as well pack your back and leave now.  If you want to become a leader, then it is time the you buckle down, become serious, and invest in yourself so you can teach and help others.  This system helps you to do exactly that!

Would you like to be able to learn how to use any form of social media and advertisement to spread your name to hundreds or thousands of people at a click of button?  Are you tired of CHASING people in your warm market list and begging them to join your great opportunity or buy some amazing products?  What would your business be like if you had 100+ laser targeted leads a day that COME TO YOU to join your business and buy your products?  Better yet, what would your monthly profits be like? Would you have the same house, car, and dreadful full-time job?  I WOULD SAY NOT!

This is my experience with this proven system!  I started a few months ago.  I had completely used up my warm market list.  My friends, family, and co-workers ignored me because they thought that I was going to try to “sell” them something.  I had no leads, no money, no friends, and nobody supported me other than my direct family.  Does this seem familiar to you?  I started attending all of these free webinars that were presented by many of the top-earners that made 7-FIGURES a year and even a couple that made that in a MONTH!  They shared many of their strategies, tips, and secrets on the webinars on how to get quick leads, get people to follow you, and how to increase your profits fast.  It was AMAZING! I purchased the full system and I made it my goal to master one or two of the various strategies that they provide on there.  I have SEVERAL people that COME TO ME now to talk about joining my business opportunity, buying my products, or simply wanting some great advice from a leader.  I am still using the system and I NEVER plan on leaving because they simply keep teaching me more and more and that results in having more people following me, more friends, more interactions, and more sales conversions!

If you would like to see me and hear my review on this system, then watch this YouTube video:

If you want to become a leader and have people that want to follow you, buy your products, and join your business, then you need to visit the provided link now.

Know that all the tools, advice, and tips in the world can be provided to you, but in the end it will be you that has to put in the work and time to develop yourself with these proven strategies to make them work.  Nothing is as easy as a click of a button to become a millionaire, but in 6 months your results will match your effort, dedication, and persistence towards becoming wealthy.  The decision is yours and you have to take the first step by clicking on this link and watching the free video:

Chapter 3 Review of Guerrilla Multilevel Marketing: 100 Low Cost Tactics…

Chapter 3 of Guerrilla Multilevel Marketing: 100 Low Cost Tactics… by Jay Levinson was called “Seven Sentences To A Profitable Future”.  This chapter was all about how to develop a marketing plan for you to follow to be successful in the future.  Jay stresses that high-earning networkers take action and build their businesses based off of a marketing plan.

  • Tactic 1:  Your 7-Sentence Marketing Plan
    • Your marketing plan should clarify:
      1. The most desired results your marketing will achieve.
      2. The benefits users of your products or opportunity will receive.
      3. Who your niche audience is.
      4. Which tactics you will use to accomplish your aims.
      5. The niche you choose to be known for.
      6. What your true identity is.
      7. How much you will budget for marketing.
        1. 60% to existing customers.
        2. 30% to qualified prospects.
        3. 10% to the universe of people you never met.
  • Tactic 2:  Your Marketing Calendar
  • Tactic 3:  Your Consistent Action
    • Commit to a plan and take consistent action on it.
    • Do no focus on the immediate returns for you effort because some results take longer than others to get.
    • Never give up!

Guerilla MLM  If you are looking to advance your business to the next level, then this book will help you get the results you want.  The book will provide the tactics, but you have to provide the dedication and be persistent with your efforts.

Chapter 2 Review Of Guerrilla Multilevel Marketing: 100 Low-Cost Tactics For Growing Your Network And Advancing To The Top Of Your Pay Plan

Chapter 2 of Guerrilla Multilevel Marketing: 100 Low-Cost Tactics For Growing Your Network And Advancing To The Top Of Your Pay Plan by Jay Levinson was called “Understanding Strategy and Tactics”.  This chapter was based on helping you decide when and how you should work on building your business.  The first thing that the is mentioned is that you need to learn how to work “on” you business, not “in” your business.  This makes a huge difference in your mindset and strategy.  If you are working “in” you business, then that means you are being controlled by the business and others instead of being your own boss and working for yourself.  If you are working “on” your business, then you are in control and managing YOUR distributors and customers.

When you are working on you business, schedule a couple of hours a week where you strategize your growth.  Here is a basic example of the suggested areas to invest at least 1 hour a week strategizing:

  • Your own personal growth and ongoing training.
  • How you interact with prospects.
  • How you interact with customers.
  • How you interact with distributors.
  • How you follow-up.
  • How you train others.
  • Your customer service procedures.
  • Your arsenal of promotional tools.
  • Your market and product knowledge.

If you can learn to schedule you days and weeks to incorporate the above times, you will develop quickly and your business will grow at a faster rate.  Learn to be your own boss, adopt a marketing strategy, schedule your tasks, events, and calls, and never give up!

Guerilla MLM


Check back with this blog to get more chapter reviews on this book and other books, as well as business building, weight loss, and exercising tips!


The New FUNNELIZER! This Will Change Everyone’s Business!

On last night’s webinar within MLSP, the leaders and creator of MLSP, Brian Finale, revealed some huge news!  Brian and a few of the other system programmers and creators managed to develop a new system called the “funnelizer”.  The capabilities of this system are going to take everyone’s profits to the next level within ANY MLM business or even businesses that are not associated with network or affiliate marketing.

The funnelizer allows you to create your own fully customized lead bait, landing page, upsale offers, and other offers as well!  You can either be provided with a set template or create you own unique campaign.  Either way, your results will increase dramatically once you learn how to use and advertise your system.  You can create your own campaigns in a very short amount of time and optimize them to give you more leads and sales!

In addition to the new funnelizer, Brian introduced the topic of Live the Dream XI!  He mentioned that there may be some custom t-shirts that people can buy and wear this year.  This price for this event is $199.99 for the general pass and $599.99 for the VIP pass, but they will give you $100.00 back if you order within the next couple of days.  The VIP pass also includes the opportunity for you to go to Brian’s house and have a barbecue and relax in the hot tub with some of the top-income earners in the industry!  Live events are not something that you should take lightly because they can be true game changers and you will get some great insider tips for the professionals making 5-, 6-, or 7-figures a year!

If you want to learn how to use any form of social media and capitalize on the release of the new funnelizer, then go to this link and watch the video to see what all of the hype is about:

FREE Social Media Training Webinar!

Did you miss all of the excitement of the MLSP Live The Dream event that happened this past weekend?  Did you miss all of the excitement, the breaking news, and the releases of the newest and best products on the market that will take your business to the next level?



Tonight, many of the secrets will be revealed and the news about the newest products will be spread.

Join us tonight with some of the best marketers out there and capitalize on the free social media training that they give that helped to establish them as a top-earner in their MLM programs!

Register here and be ready to watch tonight (Wednesday) at 9 p.m. Eastern time:

Chapter 1 Review of Guerrilla Multilevel Marketing 100 Low-Cost Tactics For Growing Your Network And Advancing To The Top Of Your Pay Plan

Chapter 1 of Guerrilla Multilevel Marketing 100 Low-Cost Tactics For Growing Your Network And Advancing To The Top Of Your Pay Plan was called “Why Guerrilla Marketing”.  This chapter was dedicated to telling you exactly why you should invest your time and money into the Guerrilla Marketing books, systems, and tactics.  The book started off with the quote, “You don’t know what you don’t know”.  The quote meant that people do not need to have a business background to succeed in network marketing and anyone is capable of succeeding if they are willing to learn and develop.  Most do not know this and have a lack of confidence, so 90% quit their first year.

Network marketing is NOT a one-way-for-everybody system, so people need to learn to be unique and build their businesses the best and most efficient way they they can.  If you are just adopting the tactics of a leader and avoiding the expansion of your abilities and knowledge, then you are leaving money on the table.  Guerrilla Multilevel Marketing (GMM) offers a way to support and enable distributors to thrive using tactics they can apply their personal strengths to.  It also teaches you how to generate streams of prospects.

  • GMM will work for you when:
    1. You are using your companies products and you are completely sold on their benefits.
    2. You are committed to network marketing as a business lifestyle.
    3. You are willing and eager to learn.
    4. You won’t give up until you are dead.

 If you are wanting to generate more leads and don’t know how, this book will help you.  Most of the tactics provided are very simple to do and are either free or cheap.  Invest in yourself and enjoy!

Tuesday Top Earner Hangout – Tips & Tricks to Make More Money

Come Hangout “LIVE” & Connect With Your MLSP Family!

JOIN US Tuesday night at 9 p.m. Eastern for a “Round the Campfire” type Hangout with some of MLSP’s brightest stars as we share stories that will inspire you, tips and tricks that will help you MAKE MONEY, and insights that will shatter your current belief system.

Learn how the top-earners within various mlm businesses have reached the peak of the compensation plans and how they have motivated thousands.  Unleash Your POWER – Redefine what is Possible – Reach your FULL Potential!

Register NOW!  It is FREE!!

He Fires His Boss IN THIS VID [2 Min Vid]

I cannot believe that this guy actually took the time to video this, but he fired his boss on camera!  This should be a message for the millions of people across the globe that receive those messages that seem “too good to be true”.  This guy is a prime example what you can do if you have the right mindset, believe, and dedication to make it past the tough times.  Learn some new skills and adapt!

== > http:tkdblack2012//

If you want to be in control of your life and do exactly what this guy did within a couple years, then you must take the first step!  This is one of the many reasons I love my job!

Would You Like To Be Taught How To Make Money From Home?

Are you struggling to pay your bills, pay for the gas in your vehicle, take the loved ones out for a special night, or do you simply want more money at the end of the month?  I struggled to pay for anything and everything during college and I found that I had to work 5 jobs  on top of 18 credit hours as a senior just to pay for my food, gas, bills, and martial arts training.  I was introduced to a method of making money at home that has changed my life and how I view making money.  I used to think that you had to go work for one of the various employers, put in hour after hour, and get paid some pitiful wage.  When you do this, you are working to make somebody else’s dream come true.  How about your work to make your own dreams come true?  Let me help you and teach you how you can make an extra $300, $600, or more a month on a part-time schedule.  Be your own boss, learn a few valuable skills, acquire some new friends, and live the life you always wanted to live.  The first step towards this lifestyle is to watch the video in this link: