Chapter 16 Review Of The 45 Second Presentation That Will Change Your Life

Chapter 16 of The 45 Second Presentation That Will Change Your Life by Don Failla was called “Why Should 90% Of The Population Be In Network Marketing”.  People typically work 40-50 years to save up and retire to live comfortably until they die.  You would need to save up to $1.2-2.4 million in the bank with 5% interest to have $5,000-10,000 a month.  In 2-5 years, you can build a part-time income of $5,000-10,000 a month.  I am not sure about you, but that sounds much better to me!  In order to do this, you have to try to teach people sponsor one person a month and have their downline do the same.  Be consistent and do personal development to become a better leader and success will happen in time!

Chapter 15 Review Of The 45 Second Presentation That Will Change Your Life

Chapter 15 of The 45 Second Presentation That Will Change Your Life by Don Failla was called “Important Phrases and Handling Objections”.  For many people, this chapter will be very important.  You must learn how to handle objections if you want to be successful in this business.

  • Objections and How To Respond
    1. Do I have to sell?
      • No, product will be moved in the process of building your business and you will be sharing the products with your friends.
    2. Is it a pyramid?
      • No, pyramids are illegal, MLMs are not.
      • MLMs have been around over 70 years.
    3. Can’t afford to get into the business.
      • Most MLMs are inexpensive at under $100.
      • Unless they want to work for someone else the rest of their lives, they can’t afford not to get into the business.
    4. My wife/husband won’t be interested.
      • That is no issue.  In most cases only one partner starts and once it becomes successful the other partner will join.
    5. I just don’t have the time.
      • There are four elements of recruiting and sponsoring:
        1. Contacts
        2. Time
        3. Energy
        4. Knowledge
      • Tell them, “I’m not asking for your time, just your contacts.”
        • They can spend two minutes and you can spend two hours with prospects.
    6. When should I quit my regular job?
      • When you make at least twice as much as you do at your current job.

Learn these simple questions and statements and know how to respond to your prospects.  In addition to knowing what to say, you have to know how to say it.  ALWAYS stay positive and mirror the energy of the person you are talking to!

Chapter 14 Review Of The 45 Second Presentation That Will Change Your Life

Chapter 14 of The 45 Second Presentation That Will Change Your Life by Don Failla was called “Business Training Sessions Vs. Weekly Opportunity Meetings”.  Most people get enrolled on a weekly opportunity meeting, so they get the false impression of this is how MLMs work.  They invite people to the point that they think they have enough and get discouraged when people don’t show.  New prospects that go to these opportunity meetings typically say no because they think they will have to do meetings like that as well.  Remember that the most common fear is public speaking!

Use one-on-one meetings and sizzle sessions if you wish to avoid meetings and public speaking.  You should learn to give a 20 minute presentation to prospects.  Use three minutes to talk about the company.  Seven minutes should be used to talk about the products and give samples.  The last ten minutes should be used to explain the marketing plan.  When you are making the presentations to your prospects, make sure to use the correct words to get the message you want across.  Use: sponsor, teach, share, expose, involve, and upgrade to be more professional and avoid making the prospect feel like and object to you.

Chapter 13 Review Of The 45 Second Presentation That Will Change Your Life

Chapter 13 of The 45 Second Presentation That Will Change Your Life by Don Failla was called “Playing With Numbers To Make A Point”.  This chapter was dedicated to showing how the addition of a sixth line after the duplication of the fifth will change the amount of distributors in your business and how fast it will build.  When one of your downlines make their business three levels deep and no longer need you, this allows you to add a sixth serious person to take their place.  To make a point about this, show your newly sponsored people the 6×6 figures and differences it has at each level compared to the 5×5.  There is a difference of 201,811 people at the 7th level!  Sponsoring and teaching people properly will always result in more money in the long term.

Chapter 11 And 12 Review Of The 45 Second Presentation That Will Change Your Life

Chapter 11 of The 45 Second Presentation That Will Change Your Life by Don Failla was called “Napkin Presentation #10: Pentagon of Growth”.  This chapter was very short, but it was dedicated to showing how duplication can change your business and income.  The basic idea behind the pentagon of growth is that you work in 2-month intervals where you work to duplicate yourself and each additional level that is added within your network to eventually create 5 different duplicated lines of networkers.  The duplication system is based off of you recruiting five new people and teaching each of those five people to do the same.  This trend is continued for a 10 month period where the duplication occurs every 2 months and a new line is also added every 2 months as well to establish a new line of 5 members that will work to start the duplication process.  In the end, theoretically, after the 10 month period, your first line will have 3125 distributors, second line will have 625 distributors, third line will have 125, and the final line that just started will have 25.  That is a lot of distributors, so keep this process in mind and learn to teach it to others!

Chapter 12 was called “Going Back To School”.  MLMs provide the opportunity for people to retire in 1-3 years, which is completely different from the expected 40 years to retirement in corporate America.  If somebody wants to achieve this goal and retire in 1-3 years, they will have to learn everything they can 5-10 hours a week for 6 months.  This means that people who say they will try it for one month are wasting their time and money!  Ask people this simple question, “if you could be making $2,000-$6,000 per month in 6 months on top of what you are currently earning, could you see yourself going back to school for 5-10 hours per week for 6 months to learn how to do it?”  This is a very powerful question that will get you results.

Chapter 10 Review Of The 45 Second Presentation That Will Change Your Life

Chapter 10 of The 45 Second Presentation That Will Change Your Life was called “Napkin Presentation #9: Motivation and Attitude”.  Chapter 9 was relatively short, but contained valuable information that will determine whether or not your business will grow.  This chapter wanted to inform the readers how your emotions affect your outcome, growth, and how you view your business over time.

In this chapter, Don refers to the first form of motivation as down motivation.  Down motivation is when you or the people you have sponsored get really hyped up and they hit a low point in their business.  Once this happens, depression usually follows it and that is bad for the individual and the business.  The constant flux with emotions will lead to the person being unsuccessful and ultimately quitting the business.  The second type of motivation referred to in the book is up motivation.  Up motivation is characterized by having a constant emotion regardless of the outcome or situation that you are in.  This type of motivation is what ALL of the leaders within the business have because they know how the business works and that they will be successful in time.  The more up motivation that there is, the more excited the upline will become and you will receive more support.

Wednesday Night Webinar With The Inventor Of MLSP!

Tonight’s webinar by Brian was all about the Live The Dream event that will be occurring soon.  Brian just wanted to provide various tips on how to make the most out of live events and why you should attend them.  When you attend large live events, you get to meet with the biggest names in the business and you get to interact with them.  Whenever you get a chance, you NEED to attend a live event because they will change you business and your life.  Make sure when you walk away from the event, you have at least 10 names, numbers, and emails of successful people in the room to build your network and connections.  Also, when you attend these events, do your best to get your team there so that you can experience it together!

Make it a goal to get pictures and videos with well-known people within the business.  This will build the credentials of you just by being associated with them.  Come in with an open mind and leave your ego at the door because you are there to learn from the best.  Buy the top-earners some drinks and get to know them better because you do not know what information they will give you that they normally charge for!  If somebody is being mean and nasty, thank them for their time, get up, and leave because you do not need the negative atmosphere.  Play full out when you go and bring plenty of energy!  Make sure you do not go asleep until everyone else is asleep because a lot of valuable information is leaked in the late hours of the night.

Make the decision RIGHT NOW that the event will change EVERYTHING for you, and make it so.  Those of you who are not in MLSP and are struggling with generating leads and building your business, take action now by watching the video in this link:

Top 10 Ways to WIN BIG, Grow, & Leverage Live Events to Create YOUR Legacy!

Tonight’s training webinar is going to be all about attending live events and what they can do for you and your business.  If you have never been to a live event, then you don’t know what you are missing!  So much vital information by the biggest names in the business are given out to all of those who attend.  In addition, you get the insiders scoop on the new product lines and modifications within the business.  Tonight, you will learn the the 10 strategies and facts that you will gain when you start attending live events.  Join us tonight on this free webinar and let’s learn how you can make more money and build your business!  The first step to success is clicking on this link, registering, and joining the FREE webinar:

Tuesday Night Webinar On Facebook Advertisements

Tonight’s webinar with MLSP was all about knowing how to effectively use Facebook.  Facebook is one of the best forms of advertisement out there and it will provide you with a vast amount of information if you know how to use it.  In order to truly get all of the benefits that Facebook has to offer, you need to have a fan page that you are actively using on a daily basis.  You have to unlock all of the perks by getting more and more followers, so they make you earn it!

I would consider myself knowledgeable when it comes to using Facebook.  One of the things that having a high-quality training program will do is show you that you always have plenty to learn!  Tonight’s webinar was clearly out of my league and that is why the lady makes way over $100,000 a year.  She wanted the viewers to know that you can use the ad manager system on Facebook to create and target specific audiences to advertise to them over an extended period of time.  This makes sense because they clicked on your link for a reason!  Once somebody clicks on your link, a cookie is dropped off on their profile and computer that enables you to get credit for sales and leads.  You can create a custom audience for each of your sales pages, copy the pixel, and drop it off in a specified area on the mother site that you want to track.  This takes time to learn and it takes time for the pixels to warm up because people have to engage on your link.  Learn to use this and learn about your audience to take your business to the next level.

If you are interested in learning from some of the best marketers in the world that provide an unbelievable amount of information that will help build your business, then go to this link:

Chapter 9 Review Of The 45 Second Presentation That Will Change Your Life

Chapter 9 of The 45 Second Presentation That Will Change Your Life by Don Failla was called “Napkin Presentation #8: The Sizzle Sells The STEAK”.  This chapter was dedicated to forming meetings, how many people you want at the meetings, and what you should do and say while you are there to peak the interest of others.  The more people that you can get to your meetings and presentations, the more energy there is.  You will want to bring skeptical people to groups of 4-5 to get them more excited about the opportunity that you are offering.  If possible, do the smaller meetings in a restaurant over lunch or dinner because you may peak the interest of the “eavesdroppers” listening in on your conversation.

Don liked to call the small meetings of 4-5 in restaurants “sizzle sessions”.  When you are having these sessions with your downline distributors and prospects, start them out by having your downline say something positive that has happened with their products or organization.  Keep the positive atmosphere the whole time during the session and get the new prospect involved in the conversation to make them feel more comfortable.  End the conversation by telling the newer distributors and prospects, “Just think. This is the hardest we will ever work!”  That is a powerful statement and true, so make sure you and your team believe it.